Tuesday, 19 December 2006


To say Terry Pratchett is my favorite author is probably a bit of an understatement, so any production of the discworld books always makes me a little nervous.

The stage play I thought was a hoot, but I did spend time getting a bit wound up about the characterisations. Carrot is not a gurning idiot, thankyou very much!

The Cartoons were enjoyable to a degree, but lacked sophistication and the less said about whatever those accents were in Wyrd Sisters, the better. I enjoyed them thoroughly, but they didn't quite get there.

So anyway, when I heard about the Hogfather, I got a bit nervous, especially when I heard it was Sky producing it. Does Sky actually make any decent TV of its own, or does it steal it all from America and Channel 4?

Did hear Terry Practchett was involved, so you know, panic subsided abit, and the cast was announced, David Jason, Nigel Planer, Marc Warren, all very cool and fit into my mental images for the book. Was expecting Christopher Lee for death, but Ian Richardson does just as well.
Susan was always a bit of a difficult character to visualise, so I'm glad they went for an unknown.

All in all though, the whole thing was rather fantastic. I spent half the time enthralled, half the time bouncing up and down like an excited 5 year old. Death of Rats! Hex! Binky! So much got put in, the pig even did a wee. Fantastic.

As for the main characters, Susan was spot on, absolutely nailed it. Marc Warren was creepy as hell, the thieves were well done, though I did spend most of the time thinking Peter Guinness would make a good Vimes. The Wizards could have been a bit better, but hey, you can't have everything. I was really impressed with Death though, the movement, the voice, absolutely sold it to me. Brilliant

Can't wait for the DVD so I can watch it without the incessant adverts.

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