Sunday 24 December 2006

De-stressed and a bit pissed

Yay for alcohol, how I've missed you.

Am now on the outside of a 1/4 bottle of Archers and now feeling rather warm and a bit floppy. Its all good. One plus about not really ever drinking alcohol is that when you do, everything happens so much quicker. In half an hour I shall be either sound asleep or declaring my undying love to the nearest warm body, which depressingly will probably be one of the cat's. Then we will have a philosophical discussion about the meaning of life, the universe and everything and pass out. At least I will, the Cat will probably look at me in disgust, give up on the hope that I'll feed it and go and bother some one else for food.

Christmas tomorrow. Cool.

Picture of Tess, my drinking buddy. She's sitting in a box. Thought I'd point that out.

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