Sunday 24 December 2006

De-stressing, slowly

Has taken me a whole day to wind down from work. A has been rather special this week, more so than usual. P has been walking around alternating from disbelief to utter frustration with him. I've gotten to the point where I really don't care all that much any more. But that doesn't stop my stress levels rocketing every time he walks into the shop. (Usually around half ten, an hour after I've arrived. I've got no excuse about being late mind, even if it is freezing fog and awful traffic. Grrr.)

It takes a special kind of talent to decide that Stock taking a department I've checked literally five times in the last two months is the best use of our time! While he goes chasing around for his replacement mobile phone and Christmas present for his wife. And the less said about trying to programme the alarm dialler with him the better, I was about ready to beat him by the end.)

Okay, venting done. A whole five days without having to see him, Bliss.
(Though god forbid what he'll have come up with after Christmas, he'll write list, which he'll lose and spend the rest of the day trying to find.)

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