Sunday, 7 January 2007

Lazy day and whatnot

Have spent a rather glorious day doing absolutely nothing beyond reading and watching TV. Somewhat marred by evil monthly pains of doom, but I do enjoy a good grump and I managed to work up a good one today. Capped off by little sister having her normal weekly/daily crisis that involves me going out in the rain to do her bidding.

Work tomorrow, which should have the consequences of the latest 'chat' with H that has filtered back to A, probably accompanied by the domestic violence that currently punctuates her communication with him. But not my problem, there's a job advert that I'm hoping will be mine and I'll be free of the place soon. H will have a bit of a shock, I've decided to take 'ownership' of the stock take he has commanded we do, we're going to do it properly, sensibly, thoroughly and sort out all those problems he keeps declaring we have to sort in some generalised future. We will not be doing anything else. This is the january project, the february one will be the website and hey presto, the shop will be all ready for the rearrange! Fancy that.

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