Friday, 12 January 2007

Geiger counter in my ear!

Tinnitus is having a full rock concert in one of my ears at the moment. Its quite possibly one of the most irritating things ever. I don't usually notice it during the day, too much noise, but it even managed to drown out A today. It doesn't hurt, its just uncomfortable and on the edge of being ticklish. Today its the geiger counter, lots of little clicks very close together. I also get a pinging sound that sounds alot like the crazy frog. The urge to gouge out the whole area is quite high when that happens.

In other news, I've started playing world of warcraft at the little sister behest. Its annoyingly...addictive.

Sunday, 7 January 2007

Lazy day and whatnot

Have spent a rather glorious day doing absolutely nothing beyond reading and watching TV. Somewhat marred by evil monthly pains of doom, but I do enjoy a good grump and I managed to work up a good one today. Capped off by little sister having her normal weekly/daily crisis that involves me going out in the rain to do her bidding.

Work tomorrow, which should have the consequences of the latest 'chat' with H that has filtered back to A, probably accompanied by the domestic violence that currently punctuates her communication with him. But not my problem, there's a job advert that I'm hoping will be mine and I'll be free of the place soon. H will have a bit of a shock, I've decided to take 'ownership' of the stock take he has commanded we do, we're going to do it properly, sensibly, thoroughly and sort out all those problems he keeps declaring we have to sort in some generalised future. We will not be doing anything else. This is the january project, the february one will be the website and hey presto, the shop will be all ready for the rearrange! Fancy that.

Wednesday, 3 January 2007

2007, Looks alot like 2006.

Have survived the festive period and other assorted celebrations reasonably intact and still able to fit in all my clothes, which is a plus.

Birthday came and went as it usually does, there is nothing celebratory about the 2nd of January, regardless of how hard you try. Even the restaurant only had one other couple in it.
Another year older and thirty is beginning to loom large, best not to think about it really.

Was feeling quite chuffed as I had managed to upgrade my internet connection to super speeds and reduce the monthly bill, with the wireless router thrown in for free. Just in time for my shiny new laptop!

The wireless router arrived today and with it the most frustrating 2 hours of my life. Seriously, what flash installation CD actually crashes a perfectly healthy system? Couldn't get the software loaded on my PC, couldn't get the laptop to connect to the server in either wired or wireless mode. It took me three attempts to get it to acknowledge that it didn't have a firewall running. In short, the Orange Livebox is the most uncooperative piece of mass produced crap I've ever had to deal with and is currently doing a stellar job as a stand for the shiny laptop while my trusty speedtouch connection wizzes along as well as its always done. I'll have another go when the urge to chuck it out the window has receded.

In other disturbing news, I found a photo today of myself aged 15. I hadn't changed a bit. I find this deeply worrying, but could go along way to explaining why I still get carded from time to time.